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Season 3 Episode 4 - Expecting the Unexpected

What is Advent?

Advent, derived from the Latin word "adventus" meaning "coming" or "arrival," is a sacred season of anticipation and preparation. It spans the four weeks before Christmas, marking a time of spiritual reflection, hope, and expectation. 

Unlike the commercial rush of the holiday season, Advent invites us to a deeper, more contemplative journey.

This season is not just about remembering the birth of Jesus two thousand years ago, but also about preparing our hearts for Christ's continued presence in our lives and anticipating His ultimate return. It's a time of holy waiting - a spiritual practice that transforms passive waiting into active, purposeful preparation.

The Advent Wreath

Symbolism and Meaning

The Advent wreath is a powerful visual metaphor for spiritual preparation. Typically made of evergreen branches forming a circular wreath, it symbolizes eternal life. The circle, with no beginning or end, represents God's unending love and the eternal nature of Christ.

Materials Needed

  • Circular wreath base (can be evergreen or artificial)

  • 4 candles (traditionally 3 purple, 1 pink)

  • Optional: White center candle (Christ candle)

  • Candleholder or secure placement for each candle

Candle Placement and Meaning

  • First Candle (Purple): Hope

  • Second Candle (Purple): Peace

  • Third Candle (Pink): Joy

  • Fourth Candle (Purple): Love

  • Center Candle (White): Christ (lit on Christmas)

Lighting Instructions

  • Each Sunday of Advent, light the corresponding candle

  • On the first Sunday, light the Hope candle

  • Each subsequent Sunday, light the previous candles and add the next

  • By the fourth Sunday, all four candles will be lit

  • On Christmas, light the center Christ candle

    Advent Wreath Blessing Prayer

    Gracious God, as we light these candles, 

    Illuminate the darkness in our hearts.

    Prepare us not just for a celebration of your past arrival,

    But for your continuing presence in our lives.

    May each flame remind us of your unending love,

    Your persistent hope,

    And your promise of redemption.

Personal Preparation

Spiritual Practices for Advent

A Final Word of Invitation


Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas:

The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book:


Weekly Bonus Episodes:

Week 1: Hope - The Anchor of Expectation

Candle Representation

The Hope Candle is a flickering promise in the darkness - a small but powerful light that reminds us that even the tiniest flame can push back against overwhelming darkness. It represents the prophetic anticipation of God's promise, the first whisper of redemption breaking through centuries of waiting.

Advent Candle Lighting

As you light the purple candle, consider these words:

Hope Candle: "We light this candle to remember that even in our darkest moments, hope is never extinguished."

Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned."

Reflection: Hope is not a passive wish, but an active expectation. In the depths of darkness, hope emerges as a beacon of light, promising transformation. Just as the prophet Isaiah spoke of a coming Messiah during a time of great political and spiritual oppression, we too can find hope in the midst of our current struggles.

The promise of hope is not about eliminating all challenges, but about understanding that something greater is at work. Hope whispers that our current circumstances do not define our ultimate destiny.

Reflection Questions:

  1. When was the last time you had a season of waiting? How did you handle it?

  2. In the Hebrew language, the same word is used for both hope and waiting.  How is this significant?

  3. Where in your life do you currently feel like you're "walking in darkness"?

  4. Recall a time when hope sustained you through a difficult season. What did that look like?

  5. How might you be a source of hope for someone else right now?

  6. What promises of God give you the most comfort during uncertain times?

  7. In what ways can you actively cultivate hope in your daily life?

Resources for your marriage:

Other resources on UME Facebook and Instagram


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